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Adeena Stuart and Katharine Carnegie were born almost three hundred years apart. Yet their music and an ancient cello connect them to each other and to a man doomed by the Battle of Culloden.

Music is not bound by time

It would take two women connected by time to complete music with the power to change history.

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The Prequel

A kingdom is lost, a song is born

Book I

Music is not bound by time

Book II

Love never surrenders

Start your journey into the Song for a Lost Kingdom series with the FREE Prequel Novella.  Download and enjoy!

Adeena auditions for the National Arts Centre Orchestra in Ottawa. Her dying grandmother sends her a lost score from Scotland and a new world opens up...


The Battle of Culloden looms as the music gains strength while in 2019 tthe powers of modern science search for a way to bring Adeena back...


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A kingdom is lost, a song is born

Start your journey into the Song for a Lost Kingdom series with the Prequel audiobook as the union between Scotland and England takes hold in 1707.

While a nation has been lost, a song is born that will bridge the span of time and maybe... of love.

Listen on your favourite audiobook platform

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